Works on Paper: Birgir Andrésson, Hildigunnur Birgisdóttir, Hreinn Friðfinnsson, Ignacio Uriarte, Janice Kerbel, Karin Sander, Kristján Guðmunddsson, Lawrence Weiner, Ólafur Elíasson, Ragna Róbertsdóttir and more
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Featuring 30 artists, Works on Paper uses the conventional subtitle as title to emphasize the exhibition’s shift in focus; from paper as merely media toward a wider interpretation for its material and conceptual presence in the works. As a title, Works on Paper, allows for an ambiguous reading – paper can be seen to be present in all the works as subject and/or object.
Works by: Alexander Gutke, Anna Barriball, Ariel Schlesinger, Birgir Andrésson, Caroline Mcarthy, David Svensson, Gavin Turk, Geoffrey Farmer, Goran Petercol, Hildigunnur Birgisdóttir, Hreinn Fridfinnsson, Ignacio Uriarte, Iran do Espiríto Santo, Janice Kerbel, Jiri Thýn, John Stezaker, Karin Sander, Karlotta Blöndal, Kristján Gudmundsson, Lawrence Weiner, Marine Hugonnier, Martin Creed, Miriam Böhm, Ólafur Elíasson & Elías Hjörleifsson, Peter Liversidge, Ragna Róbertsdóttir, Tom Friedman, Tommy Grace and Viola Yesiltaç
JANICE KERBEL, The Pickpocket, 2013View Detail PageJANICE KERBELThe Pickpocket, 2013certificatesilkscreen print on Bible paperPaper: 26,9 x 17 cm
Ariel Schlesinger, L'angoisse de la page blanche, 2007View Detail PageAriel SchlesingerL'angoisse de la page blanche, 2007A4 paper, wood, electric motor65.0 x 55.0 x 20.0 cm
25 3/16 x 21 1/4 x 7 5/16 in -
Ariel Schlesinger, The friend of the universe (Un hombre perdidi en el universo), 2013View Detail PageAriel SchlesingerThe friend of the universe (Un hombre perdidi en el universo), 2013paper, book36.0 x 60.0 x 22.0 cm
14 1/16 x 23 3/16 x 8 1/4 in -
MARINE HUGONNIER, Art For Modern Architecture New York Times Michael Jackson, 2010View Detail PageMARINE HUGONNIER1969Art For Modern Architecture New York Times Michael Jackson, 2010silk screened paper clips onto newspaper front page64.5 x 37.5 cm
25 3/8 x 14 3/4 in
MARINE HUGONNIER, Art For Modern Architecture. Guardian Liberation of Nelson Mandela, 2010View Detail PageMARINE HUGONNIER1969Art For Modern Architecture. Guardian Liberation of Nelson Mandela, 2010silk screened Rivers paper on vintage newspaper front page68.0 x 49.0 cm
26 3/4 x 19 1/4 in -
Goran Petercol, Dog Eared piece of paper, 1977View Detail PageGoran PetercolDog Eared piece of paper, 1977signedfolded paper33.0 x 41.0 cm
12 15/16 x 16 1/8 in -
Goran Petercol, Within Arm's Reach (Line), 1977View Detail PageGoran PetercolWithin Arm's Reach (Line), 1977marker on paper21.0 x 29.0 cm
8 1/4 x 11 3/8 in -
HREINN FRIÐFINNSSON, Source, 2013View Detail PageHREINN FRIÐFINNSSONSource, 2013certificatecardboard box, palladium leaf56.0 x 37.0 x 69.0 cm
22 x 14 3/16 x 27 1/16 in
KRISTJÁN GUÐMUNDSSON, Drawing 12 / Teikning 12, 1993View Detail PageKRISTJÁN GUÐMUNDSSONDrawing 12 / Teikning 12, 1993certificate18.0 x 61.5 x 3.0 cm
7 1/16 x 24 3/16 x 1 1/8 in -
BIRGIR ANDRÉSSON, Off-colouring white, 2002View Detail PageBIRGIR ANDRÉSSONOff-colouring white, 2002signed below imagesandpaper, oil colours31,5 x 26 cm with carton
26 x 21 without carton -
LAWRENCE WEINER, Shift to Make, 2012View Detail PageLAWRENCE WEINERShift to Make, 2012mixed media over fugitive materials on pasted folded archival paper.40.0 x 50.0 cm
15 11/16 x 19 5/8 in -
HILDIGUNNUR BIRGISDÓTTIR, Works on Paper (then they return to normal), 2013View Detail PageHILDIGUNNUR BIRGISDÓTTIRWorks on Paper (then they return to normal), 2013signed, dated and numbered on backsunprint on paper (monoprint)160.0 x 26.0 cm
62 15/16 x 10 3/16 inEdition of 33 plus 2 artist's proofs
Karlotta Blöndal, Koss IV / Kiss IV, 2013View Detail PageKarlotta BlöndalKoss IV / Kiss IV, 2013signedwatercolour on 90 gr. transparent paper and balsa wood45.0 x 29.0 x 1.5 cm
17 11/16 x 11 3/8 x 0 9/16 in -
IGNACIO URIARTE, A stack, 2010
Tom Friedman, Untitled (Seascape 2), 2012
Tommy Grace, Zriiliquat, 2010View Detail PageTommy GraceZriiliquat, 2010newsprint, wallpaper paste39.5 x 58.0 cm
15 3/16 x 22 5/16 in
Tom Friedman, Untitled (Seascape 2), 2012
DO ESPIRITO SANTO, IRAN, Pro labore 1, 2008View Detail PageDO ESPIRITO SANTO, IRANPro labore 1, 2008signed, numbered and dated, versocollage on paper22.5 x 15.0 cm
8 5/16 x 5 5/16 in -
DO ESPIRITO SANTO, IRAN, Pro labore 9, 2008View Detail PageDO ESPIRITO SANTO, IRANPro labore 9, 2008signed, numbered and dated, versocollage on paperframed: 41,3 x 32,7 cm
John Stezaker, Pair XVI, 2009View Detail PageJohn StezakerPair XVI, 2009film still and postcard collage25.3 x 20.3 cm
9 15/16 x 7 15/16 in
MARTIN CREED, Work No. 79, 1993
KARIN SANDER, KS 2013 I-VIII, 1998-2013View Detail PageKARIN SANDERKS 2013 I-VIII, 1998-2013certificate8 self-adhesive labels, photocopied hair from an Icelandic Horse tail21 × 29,7 cm, framed each
Anna Barriball, Sunrise/Sunset XII, 2012
Caroline Mccarthy, Autumn, 2013View Detail PageCaroline MccarthyAutumn, 2013two colour screenprint on paper59.0 x 44.0 cm
23 1/16 x 17 1/8 in
Caroline Mccarthy, Spring, 2013
Caroline Mccarthy, Summer, 2011View Detail PageCaroline MccarthySummer, 2011Frátekið f. Ólöfu Skaftad. 01.08.15 AJFtwo colour screenprint on paperframed: 63,5 x 48,5 cm
Caroline Mccarthy, Winter, 2013View Detail PageCaroline MccarthyWinter, 2013two colour screenprint on paper59.0 x 44.0 cm
23 1/16 x 17 1/8 in -
Alexander Gutke, 9 to 5 Stormgatan 4 I, 2012
Alexander Gutke, 9 to 5 Stormgatan 4 VII, 2012
David Svensson, Absent Stories, 2009View Detail PageDavid SvenssonAbsent Stories, 2009signed on backpaper collage75.0 x 93.0 x 3.0 cm
29 1/2 x 36 9/16 x 1 1/8 in -
Gavin Turk, H.M.S Queequeg, 2013View Detail PageGavin TurkH.M.S Queequeg, 2013painted bronze1.5 x 4.6 x 6.7 cm
0 9/16 x 1 3/4 x 2 5/8 in -
Geoffrey Farmer, Universal Sculpture Series 1, 2013View Detail PageGeoffrey FarmerUniversal Sculpture Series 1, 2013paper, glue, putty20.3 x 12.7 x 17.8 cm
7 15/16 x 5 x 7 in
Geoffrey Farmer, Universal Sculpture Series 2, 2013View Detail PageGeoffrey FarmerUniversal Sculpture Series 2, 2013paper, glue, putty20.3 x 15.2 x 17.8 cm
7 15/16 x 5 15/16 x 7 in -
Geoffrey Farmer, Universal Sculpture Series 3, 2013View Detail PageGeoffrey FarmerUniversal Sculpture Series 3, 2013paper, glue, putty20.3 x 12.7 x 15.2 cm
7 15/16 x 5 x 5 15/16 in -
Geoffrey Farmer, Universal Sculpture Series 4, 2013View Detail PageGeoffrey FarmerUniversal Sculpture Series 4, 2013paper, glue, putty20.3 x 12.7 x 15.2 cm
7 15/16 x 5 x 5 15/16 in -
Jiri Thýn, untitled, from the series Basic Studies: Non-narrative Photography, 2012View Detail PageJiri Thýnuntitled, from the series Basic Studies: Non-narrative Photography, 2012certificateinkjet print mounted in mdf wood30.0 x 22.5 cm
11 3/4 x 8 13/16 in
John Stezaker, Pair XVI, 2009View Detail PageJohn StezakerPair XVI, 2009film still and postcard collage25.3 x 20.3 cm
9 15/16 x 7 15/16 in -
MARINE HUGONNIER, Art For Modern Architecture New York Times Michael Jackson, 2010View Detail PageMARINE HUGONNIER1969Art For Modern Architecture New York Times Michael Jackson, 2010silk screened paper clips onto newspaper front page64.5 x 37.5 cm
25 3/8 x 14 3/4 in -
MARINE HUGONNIER, Art For Modern Architecture. Guardian Liberation of Nelson Mandela, 2010View Detail PageMARINE HUGONNIER1969Art For Modern Architecture. Guardian Liberation of Nelson Mandela, 2010silk screened Rivers paper on vintage newspaper front page68.0 x 49.0 cm
26 3/4 x 19 1/4 in -
MIRIAM BÖHM, Match IV, 2012
MIRIAM BÖHM, Match V, 2012View Detail PageMIRIAM BÖHM1972Match V, 2012cromogenic color print59.7 x 83.8 cm
23 1/2 x 32 15/16 in -
MIRIAM BÖHM, Match VI, 2012View Detail PageMIRIAM BÖHM1972Match VI, 2012cromogenic color print59.7 x 83.8 cm
23 1/2 x 32 15/16 in -
MIRIAM BÖHM, Match VIII, 2012View Detail PageMIRIAM BÖHM1972Match VIII, 2012cromogenic color print45.0 x 65.0 cm
17 1/4 x 25 3/16 in -
PETER LIVERSIDGE, Winter Drawing (Summer Version), 12 vs. 13 Winter Drawing (Summer Version), 13 vs. 13, 2011View Detail PagePETER LIVERSIDGEWinter Drawing (Summer Version), 12 vs. 13 Winter Drawing (Summer Version), 13 vs. 13, 2011signed, numbered and dated, versofound paper, black masking tape (diptych)paper (left): 18,6 x 12,4 cm
paper (right): 18,6 x 12,7 cm
Viola Yesiltac, Untitled (I Really must Congratulate you on your attention to detail), 2011-2012View Detail PageViola YesiltacUntitled (I Really must Congratulate you on your attention to detail), 2011-2012
Viola Yesiltac, Untitled (I Really must Congratulate you on your attention to detail), 2011 - 2012View Detail PageViola YesiltacUntitled (I Really must Congratulate you on your attention to detail), 2011 - 2012framed: 70 x 80 cm